Use AI to clean up SharePoint and Teams.

Then let the robot keep it


Automated descriptions and tags helps users find workspaces quickly, while cleanup and governance tools treat and prevent content sprawl.

Teams and SharePoint without proper management makes it difficult for people to find content.

Screenshot of the Teams structure designer in SProbot

Use AI to automatically describe sites and teams

SProbot generates detailed descriptions and tags for each SharePoint site in your tenant by securely reviewing both structure and content. You can then use the bundled Teams app to easily and powerfully search and filter.

More about content discovery

Tidy up your tenant with powerful cleanup tools.

Increase available storage and reduce clutter by

Icon of a green check mark

Deleting empty sites and teams

Icon of a green check mark

Removing duplicates

Icon of a green check mark

Assiging ownership to orphans

Icon of a green check mark

Reassigning ownership when people move or leave

More about tenant cleanup
Screenshot of the Teams structure designer in SProbot
Screenshot of a Teams request form in SProbot

Govern the creation of new teams and SharePoint sites

Need to set and enforce the template, naming convention, ownership, security and approval rules for newly created workspaces?

SProbot enables you to create granular governance rules which define who can create sites and teams, how they can create them, and how they're managed going forward.

More about governance

See it in action

SProbot will help when you need to...

Who is SProbot for?

Teams & SharePoint admins

  • Meet governance goals around security, structure and naming conventions.
  • Reduce user support with consistent, understandable templates.
  • Tidy up your tenant and save on storage space by getting rid of obsolete, unwanted and ownerless content.
More for admins

Microsoft 365 consultants

  • Save time when developing new  Teams and SharePoint frameworks for clients.
  • Set up templates and provisioning pipelines for your clients and bill them for their usage.
  • Implement governance plans with tangible rules and guidance to users.
  • Quickly and easily reproduce multiple complex sites.
More for consultants

IT managers

  • Reduce Teams and SharePoint sprawl and storage costs by preventing the creation of unnecessary workspaces.
  • Reduce support costs by freeing up engineers from spending time explaining how to build new workspaces from a blank slate.
  • Meet Microsoft 365 governance objectives for protection of sensitive data with workspace lockdown rules.
More for IT managers

It's our mission to help you better manage workspaces in Microsoft 365.

Why? Because we're also SharePoint and Teams admins.
Read our story

See how SProbot can help you keep your M365 tenant tidy

We'll show you how to tame content sprawl and make it easier for your users to find what they need

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