Clean up the SharePoint sites and teams in your tenant

Use powerful AI-enabled tools to safeguard orphaned content, remove empty workspaces, clear out test content, and delete unnecessary duplicate sites and teams.

Use AI to flag content which requires attention

AI enrichment of the workspace directory within SProbot enables automatic flagging and classification of sites and teams which may be obsolete or otherwise unwanted.

Once workspaces have been identified as cleanup candidates, you can use a powerful set of tools to take action on them to:

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Delete or assign orphaned content

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Remove empty sites

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Delete duplicate workspaces

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Remove test sites and teams

Reduce the risks associated with orphaned data

Ownerless data is risky simply because there is no oversight of it.

It is easily lost, it clutters search results and results in duplicates, and it can often be accidentally shared with unwanted parties.

SProbot's orphan cleanup automatically identifies workspaces which do not have a group or site owner, then enables you to reassign or delete them as needed.

More about orphan cleanup

Remove duplicate clutter

Frictionless workspace creation on the typical tenant can result in dozens, or even hundreds of duplicate workspaces.

SProbot's duplicate cleanup identifies sites which have the same name but different URLs and enables you to remove them once the correct instance has been confirmed.

More about duplicate cleanup

Stop false starts in their tracks

Sites and teams are created, but then plans change and they remain unused and forgotten, resulting in an unwanted build-up of clutter.

Global group expiration can address this problem, but only after workspaces have been dormant for a long time.

Use the false start cleanup to ask users early on whether they're intending to use their newly created but unused site or team, and then delete it automatically if it remains unused.

Reassign workspaces when people leave or change roles

When users leave (but their account is not deleted) or change roles, their sites and teams often end up functionally orphaned.

SProbot's reassignment tool enables to list all workspaces owned by a person, and then reassign ownership to their replacement.

Get rid of empties

Empty unused sites seem harmless because they don't consume much storage, but they clutter search results and make it harder for people find what they are looking for.

Use the AI-powered empty cleanup to find all sites which have skeleton structures (including libraries and folders) but no real content.

More about empty cleanup

Why you need Teams and SharePoint governance

Because Microsoft 365 makes it so easy to create a SharePoint site or a team, people tend to create new workspaces without considering whether a suitable container already exists, what template to use if not, or what the appropriate security settings should be.

This often results in uncontrolled content sprawl.

Gain control of your tenant by using SProbot's AI-powered cleanup tools to get rid of unwanted SharePoint sites and teams, and then put in place controlled new workspace provisioning, driven by centrally managed templates and clearly defined governance rules.

Reduce content sprawl

Audit your existing tenant content with a set of clean-up tools which target the most common unwanted, obsolete and unmanaged workspace types.

Prevent duplicate and other unnecessary workspaces from being created with clearly defined governance policies.

Save time

Enable your users to find SharePoint sites and teams through search which is powered by descriptions and tags which are automatically created by AI.

Create and easily update templates to include standard navigation, libraries, pages and permissions so your users can hit the ground running.

Empower your users

Give your users the tools to create their own workspaces without giving up governance control.

Enable a simplified SharePoint and Teams creation process with request forms which clearly explain the purpose and settings of each template type.

See how SProbot can help you keep your M365 tenant tidy

We'll show you how to tame content sprawl and make it easier for your users to find what they need

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